
Hi, I’m Holly!

My family & I live in Lexington, SC! By trade I am a registered nurse with experience working in the clinical setting. I now practice as a holistic birth doula offering in person pregnancy / birth support, 1:1 virtual coaching, & placenta encapsulation.

During my second pregnancy God led me to supporting mothers & their families through pregnancy & birth that I have been pursuing ever since. My desire to educate women & their partners through pregnancy & beyond is my passion. It is my intention to honor, protect, & serve women in all things related to birth. Whether you are looking to get pregnant, currently pregnant, postpartum, or in motherhood I am here for YOU.


I’ve had three beautiful, perfect babies whose births are all very different from one another. My first baby was born via cesarean which brought me down a path of wonder & pushed me to think outside the medical model of care. For my second pregnancy, I was determined to not only have a vaginal birth but I also wanted to go into labor naturally & birth at home. I did my homework (& more!), I found an incredible birth team who listened to what I wanted & supported me in ways I never knew were possible. Although I transferred from home to hospital, I got my VBAC & found healing in so many different ways. My third & final pregnancy gave me so much confidence in myself. I had very limited interventions during my pregnancy & went on to have the most redemptive & healing birth AT HOME! I believed in my body & what it was designed to do. Our bodies are made for this! I am passionate about helping women embrace their pregnancy & birth their babies the way their bodies intend to. If we trust the process & leave birth undisturbed, we can avoid interventions that are often a trickle effect that can lead to undesirable outcomes. Education is so powerful & can make a big impact on how we birth our babies. 


I believe that birth is a normal physiological process & that it can & should happen organically. Our bodies & our babies are willing & capable. I trust that God made us perfectly for this! I believe in true & informed consent. When we have that, we are able to make decisions with confidence & power. I believe in trusting the process & giving women the space in which they need to give birth to their babies. I fully believe in your ability & I am devoted to helping you understand everything surrounding birth & your choices. I will honor your pregnancy, birth, & postpartum. I will protect your sacred space to labor & birth your baby. I will serve you in your time of need & help you feel safe & loved.