Placenta Services


Placenta Encapsulation

There are many ways of honoring the placenta, the organ that literally connected you to your baby, & passed on your nourishment for so many months. Anecdotal reports suggest a decrease in postpartum depression, restoration in iron levels, promotion of milk supply, decreased bleeding after birth, stabilization of hormones/mood, increased production of oxytocin, & more. Placenta encapsulation is the most common way of receiving these purported benefits.

The Placenta Encapsulation Package:

Cost: $300

Finished product includes luxury packaging, a placenta print, an umbilical cord keepsake, 100-200 encapsulated pills, & a “Your Placenta & Postpartum Wellness Guidebooklet. Upgrades like smoothie packs, tinctures, & salves made from your placenta are also available to add on to the package.

Please review the Placenta Explanation of Services & Contract document for more details, as well as the FAQ link below. If you’d like to proceed with booking your due date please fill out an intake form below & I will be in direct contact with you within 1-2 business days.